Friday, August 3, 2007

"Blessed be, God" by Iván Cruz

Blessed be, God, with your desolate eyes,
for passing again through yesterday's ruins,
for taking notice of today's horrors.
Blessed be, God,
who foretells the things to come,
and can keep keep himself at home, on time,
to see how it rains.

(trans. by Aurelio Meza)

Iván Cruz Osorio (Mexico City, 1980). He studied at the Writers' College at SOGEM, and is currently studying English literature at UNAM. He has published in several poetry magazines, as well as the journals La jornada and Excélsior. This poem is taken from his first book, Tiempo de Guernica (2005), and is part of a series inspired by Pablo Picasso's famous masterwork.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agradezco que este poema lo hayas convertido en algo tuyo. La traducción en verdad me dio otra visión del poema, pero una muy buena visión. Gracias Aurelio.

Un abrazo
